the yakuk

Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States
...a dot in this world who dreams to change it...

Monday, August 18, 2008


another monday morning
i can't do a damn thing
nothings seems exciting
i'd rather be home sleeping

my eyes feel heavy
im not sure if im awake completely
sounds like a good tragedy
in the middle of a bad comedy

my mouse scrolls at slow pace
while watching everyone's face
feels like losing a lousy race
on another monday morning craze

Friday, August 8, 2008

Spelling Spell

Key to my delight and my sorrow
Rowing through my heart like a fierce arrow
Inspiration of a full barrow
Serenity and gratefulness in tow

Time has waited for the right moment
In speaking of your name in perfect accent
Nothing would rhyme in complete compliment
Embracing my soul in replete ambient

I Dont Want To Talk About It

how does one define 'sadness'?
a door closed and keyless
a smile without a bliss
a touch of lips that's not a kiss

seems like a memory without a sound
like riding a train that's not homeward bound
feels like watching raindrops touch the ground
a mute sound of leaves falling around

it feels like walking a hundred miles home
in winter, cold and alone
watching reflections on a rusty chrome
in the middle of an empty astrodome

"I dont want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
If I stay here just a little bit longer,
If I stay here, wont you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?"

The Third Friday my desk half awake
with all the smiles i have to fake
still a long road to take
before my weekends by the arbor lake

working, i have to pretend
looking forward for the shift to end
with all the emails i have to send
and too much boredom i have to bend

counting the ticking of the clock
while listening to mp3s that rock
no, i couldn't hold back
with testing, i am stuck!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

for my Leader of the Band

for the man whom i am truly indebted
this one's wholeheartedly dedicated
for being firm in times of toughness
and for being a silent epitome of kindness

you may not hear me when i tell you
yet i know that you already knew
i am taking the chance to say
that i am thankful, in every way.

...I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go --
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough
And, papa, I don't think I've said
'I love you' near enough --

the pilot lines

...he has started writing
the keys started typing
the thoughts began flowing
and the words began filling

a blank line to start
a little idea of art
consciousness begins to depart
thinking of their worlds apart...